Bayesian Inference ================== :py:mod:`ititer` uses Bayesian inference to infer posterior distributions of sigmoid curve parameters. Formally, the response of sample `i`, :math:`y_i`, is modelled as a function of log dilution using a four parameter logistic curve, :math:`x_i`: .. math:: \mu_i = c + \frac{d}{1 + e^{-b(x_i - a)}} \sigma \sim \text{dexp}(1) y_i \sim \text{dnorm}(\mu_i, \sigma) Parameters are interpreted as follows: * :math:`a` - horizontal location of the sigmoid * :math:`b` - gradient at the inflection point * :math:`c` - minimum response * :math:`d` - difference between minimum and maximum Parameters can either be set *a priori*, inferred using full pooling (yielding a single distribution from all samples), or inferred using partial pooling (where each sample gets its own posterior distribution). Standardizing ------------- Log dilution is standardized to have mean of zero and standard deviation of one for inference. Response is left unstandardized in order to set informative priors for `c` and `d`. For instance, it is often known *a priori* that at theoretical minimum or maximum concentrations the response will have some known value. Priors ------ Weakly informative priors are used by default throughout. When parameters `a`, `b`, and `c` are fully pooled, they given a prior of :math:`\text{dnorm}(0, 1)`. When `a`, `b`, and `c` are partially pooled across samples, `s`, they are given priors of: .. math:: \mu_p \sim \text{dnorm}(0, 1) \sigma_p \sim \text{dexp}(1) p_s \sim \text{dnorm}(\mu_p, \sigma_p) To prevent redundancy between the values of `c` and `d`, `d` is constrained to be positive. When it is fully pooled: :math:`d \sim \text{dexp}(1)`. When it is partially pooled: .. math:: \sigma_d \sim \text{dexp}(1) d_s \sim \text{dexp}(\sigma_d) These priors will be applicable for most users. Partial pooling for `a`, full pooling for `b` and `d`, and setting `c=0` gives the following prior predictive distribution: .. image:: prior-predictive.png :width: 60 % Code used to generate this figure: .. literalinclude::